Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tempted by the Kernel

After an awful weekend off points...I am back on the wagon!! Let me tell you though...I was tempted by some crispy, greasy, tender, melt in your mouth....friend chicken....KFC chicken today. A girl I work with went and got some and I sat in the car smelling the sweet aroma of that fried goodness seeping out of the joint. I wanted to cave....but I didn't !! I did have these bad thoughts of secretly driving thru after work and eating a chicken binge in secret ...BUT I didnt !! Instead I went to Tara's worked out....and had chicken, rice and corn for dinner! Yay me! It was a close call though!

Worked out yesterday and today! yay! However Saturday after weigh in my dinner flex treat is going to be KFC!

I went on line and ordered two bathing suits for my trip! Plus size!! I usually spend about 100 bucks on a good bathing suit that are as flattering as possible and hold up the girls nicely!!! I love these!!


Robyn said...

That purple and black one is CUTE! The one one is nice too - I'm just more of a solid color kinda gal :)
GREAT JOB fending off the KFC craving...you are one tough cookie! Or should I say something healthy - girl, you are one tough veggie! hehe

Critter said...

I like the flower print one, but I love bright colors:)

*Christie* said...

ummm hello!! WHERE did you find the bathing suits?? Please share :) hehe.

I'm so proud of you for the KFC thing. I have those thoughts too of secret binges, and sometimes I do cave. It's SO hard not to at times!!!!

Sally JPA said...

Land's End (landsend.com) also makes cute, fuller coverage suits.