Wednesday, February 28, 2007

100 Things about me....

I copied this from Robyn!! I figured I would share a wee bit about me!!

1. I am the oldest of three. However I feel I parent my parents
2. I married my high school sweet heart....we met when we were 14 and only broke up once, which was in our first year.
3. I believe in angels and ghosts
4. I love going to the psychic ...but get really nervous before. I don't live my life based on what they say....but secretly wish I too was a psychic
4. I often look at myself in the mirror and stick my belly out really far (further then it already sticks out haha) ...visioning myself pregnant.
5. When my husband is gone for the night...I sleep with the hall light on and the phone beside my bed.
6. I was extremely close to my grandma....and often speak out loud to her. I feel she is still around
7. I loved Manilly and Vanilly "Blame it on the rain"
8. My husband is dancing in front of my right now lip syncing to Nelly Furtado....did I mention my husband was very needy??? Needs my constant attention....but he makes me laugh!! He has a hat and shades on right now! SO annoying!
9. I dont share my food. I threw asparagus in my husbands face today.....he was stealing my french fries....and You DONT steal my food. Good thing he laughed hysterically.
10. I am obsessed with my dog Bosco. He is my baby. I just love him.
11. I notice I ramble.....on each item about me!
12. I have blond hair and brown eyes.
13. My feet are chubby all toes the same height and resemble bear paws
14. My favourite number is 7
15. I have to check and re-check my alarm clock three times before bed even though I know I set it.
16. I think guys in hockey equipment are sexy
17. I was a complete tomboy when I was BMX bike...boys clothes....
18. I lost my virginity to my husband at age 14
19. I fantasize often about Wentworth Miller. I wish I could kiss his lips
20. I love accessories because they always fit.
21. I loathe shaving my legs...and blow drying my hair but love when both are done.
22. I always buy clothes at a much smaller incentive to lose weight. I just end up gaining more.
23. I tend to eat in secret.....if no one sees the calories they don't count right?
24. I want a tattoo but too scared for the pain. I would get an angel
25. I went to college for two years and have a diploma in Gerontology. I now work for a home builder.
26. I don't like being on my own for more then a few hours....I love company
27. I am addicted to why Britney shaved her head? Like seriously?
28. I loved 90210 and Party of Five
29. I often stop by the perfume section and smell Chantilly Lace as it reminds me of my Grandma
30. I can't stand fake people....and much prefer hanging out with guys. They just punch each other and it is over with
31. I can't wait to be a mommy....but am terrified of the labour.
32. I have anxiety....and used to have bad panic attacks ....came on all of a sudden when I got engaged.
33. I felt gorgeous on my wedding day ...and I weighed 225 pounds.
34. I am funny....and have a really dirty mind. Very crude.
35. I watch porn with my husband but like the girl on girl scenes best.
36. My husband is still lip syncing and is really starting to irritate me.
37. I love picking out the sleeps in my dogs eyes ( I know, so gross) I also love cleaning his dirty ears!!
38. I waxed my 21 year old brothers back was the funniest thing ever.
39. I am jealous of my slim sister....who goes to the gym five days a week and eats well (bitch).
40. My best friend is Tara and her opinion counts big time.
41. I dream of living on a farm with lots of animals.
42. My fav animal is a monkey and if I could have one I would.
43. I am the nosiest person in the world. I need to know everything!!!!!
44. I always start a journal and never finish it.
45. I get bored easily
46. I send a huge care package every Xmas to all the animals in the animal shelter from Santa
47. I lived with Tara for one year when I was 23. That was the first year I tried pot...and was stoned every day for that year. Funniest memories!
48. I wish I could go back and be 12 again playing on the street with my friends with no worries in the world
49. I really dislike my Gran (my mom's mother)
50. I used to watch Unsolved Mysteries and then get scared when I had to go to bed.
51. I don't like being told what to do
52. I love my life.....but the only thing I dislike is my weight
53. If I have a boy we like the name Blake and if it is a girl we like Grace
54. When I was 8 a boy locked me in the shed and told me to take off my clothes....I kicked him in the shins and ran
55. I used to bite everyone when I was in daycare. All the moms would glare at my mom.
56. My husband is my best friend and always makes me laugh
57. I hate when people are materialistic,
58. I can not bring myself to pend more then 50 bucks on jeans
59. I love garage sales
60. I have dildo...and let me tell you....that thing is brilliant! Every woman should own one. I can't believe I just said that.
61. I found a chin hair the other day and almost died.
62. I am exactly like my mom....and ok with that.
63. I love all crime shows
64. I google people I know....
65. I have been trying to find my old best friend on google for years
66. I avoid people in the mall that I knew from high school so I dont have to have pointless conversation "small talk"
67. I quickly close my condo elevator doors, so again, I can avoid the awkward elevator silence
68. If I am having a bath....there has to be NO hair....not even one wee the tub when filling the water. The hair is mine...but it can not be there.
69. I pretend I'm sleeping on the weekends so my husband can take the dog out for a pee. It never works.
70. I am terrified of Cancer. However I smoke when I drink...and sometimes more then that.
71. I peek out my peep hole when I hear people in the hallway of my condo building ( I told you I was nosey)
72. I love air conditioning
73. My husband weighs way more then me. I hate that.
74. I hate being late ....and hate when people are late.
75. I love the cottage and being out doors...camping.
76. I loooooooove hammocks
77. I really enjoy my Tim Hortons double cream coffee
78. I enjoy KFC but feel so sick after.
79. I worry about everyone....
80. Strangers tell me their problems.
81. I love being centre of attention
82. I always have something wrong with me ( My husband says)
83. I rub my feet together at night laying in bed. It comforts me.
84. I listen to Enya at bed time
85. I have angel tarot cards...
86. I have every diet book there is
87. I am addicted to the Baby Story on TLC and wince during the labour
88. I can't get out of bed in the morning but love mornings
89. My fav movie was Note Book
90. I love white wine...Pinot Grigio and Beer ( Corona)
91. I live down the street from my parents and my sister lives on the same floor of my condo building
92. I am overly protective of my brother
93. I used to take Highand Dancing ( scottish parents) and was awful.
94. I love Regular Ruffle Chips with dip and coke....
95. I crunch my ice cubes...
96. Best dinner I make is Kraft dinner
97. I put things on my door for every occasion...right now there is a Leprechaun
98. I love seeing comments on my blog
99. I am addicted to before and after success stories
100. I love talent shows

Thanks for reading if you made it to the end.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I had an absolute blast reading this, it felt like I wrote it myself. I to married my high school sweetheart and started dating him at age 14, we are going to celebrate 20 years in Mar! I would say over 80% of what you wrote is me, too funny. All the best with your weightloss!

Fatinah said...

brand new to your blog - great timing for me - great post!

Arazaree said...

Haha, I swear if we lived closer to each other we'd be great friends! We have a lot in common. Psst...I like the same scenes as you! :o)

Marathon Someday said...

Just discovered your blog! Fellow Canadian girl here.:-)

What a fun list! Did you watch Felicity? It thought that might be a good show to add to your 90210 and Party of Five list ;-)

Annieann77 said...

Great list! I also took highland dancing for a few years and also sucked - but I still have my sword! :)

Robyn said...

Whheeeee! That was so fun to read...and guuuurl, I wish I was as ballsy as you to post some of that stuff. hahaha
I friggin love it!
I'm confused about #73 though - did you mean to say he weighs less? Otherwise, I'm not sure why you would hate it..

Unknown said...

New here also, and oh man, those were great! Probably 70% of them I could have written about myself.

Jordanna said...

you and I should eat together. I don't share food either, it's a big joke to all my friends...they always say "jordanna doesn't share food" (like Joey on friends)assholes all of them!!

Great list!!!

Thanks for the nice comments on my blog!