Sunday, March 4, 2007

Peeling of the layers continues....

I have posted these pictures of our Condo and of course Bosco playing in the snow with my parents dog. Below is my updated post.

Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments on my 100 list!! I really appreciated it. I had a laugh writing it. You guys are DA BEST!

Well last Saturday....I had a huge gain....I huge. I didnt want to post it until this week's weigh in. Well last week I gained *gasp* 5 pounds!!! Argh. I was soooooo mad at myself. Anyway the good news is this weigh in I lost 2 I have three to lose to get back to where I was .

Tara and I have a challenge this week. The person to lose the most based on percentage of our body weight (I weigh 50 lbs more then here) the other person has to buy the BIGGEST LOSER something of her choice no more then 30 bucks!

You see....we are going shopping on Saturday (after our weigh in) for stuff for our we figure lets have a friendly competition this incentive.

Anyway...we have a real estate agent coming to evaluate our condo on Tues night...and then a friend of a friends is coming Wed as he may be interested in buying our place!!! Eek!! We weren't planning on selling just yet but if we can get a good deal privately then we would be stupid not to take it.

So today is MR and MRS Clean day!!! Spring cleaning!!! I

Have a great OP week!



Robyn said...

I LOVE your kitchen!
Great idea with the challenge and prize...things like that are always good motivators :)

Jordanna said...

Gorgeous condo...I'm husband and I keep saving and everything keeps going up in price. Hense the living in my parents basement thing! Loves the puppies!!