Saturday, February 3, 2007

6th Weigh IN

WOW !! Holy shit !!

I am so excited!! Today I weighed in and lost three pounds. I have been averaging 1 - 1.5 pounds per week so this was such a nice drop!! I am exactly 0.4 away from ten pounds!!
I have lost a total of 9.6 pounds!! Woohoo!!
You have no many times I have joined WW.....probably at least 15 times. I have NEVER stuck with it longer then a few weeks and I have NEVER made it to get my 10 pound ribbon!! Next week I get my ten pound ribbon!! I am just so pleased with myself :o)
I don't know what it is ......I have no idea....but I love it. I am in the right head space...and I am doing this.....and I am not fighting myself for the FIRST time in my life!!
Every 10 pounds is a layer of fat of my fat suit. I will get there.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Stay ;o)


Critter said...

Congrats!! You will get there!! I am so proud of you for your loss:)

*Christie* said...

I'm so happy to hear this, Stay! Make sure you take a pic of this 10 pound ribbon - the U.S. weight watchers doesn't have that!
What a great week, so proud of you.
I love what you said about taking layers off the fat suit, lol